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The glamorous world of fashion and music set the stage for this  sexy, and compelling novel.  Supermodel Lanise Avery and  husband, record producer Tyrese Langston pull you into their world and tug at your heart as you share their joy and pain.  Life is rarely easy when it comes to matters of the heart, situations like this can make your blue skies "Cloudy With a Chance of Rain."


​Cloudy With A Chance Of Rain

ISBN: 978-1-4490-8885-9 also available in paperback and e-book


EXCERPT: Feeling a little queasy, she grabbed clothes off the hangers and stuffed them into a large suitcase.  Her heart was breaking as she rushed around snatching clothes, and shoes, and toiletries. She retrieved her large shoe bag from the back of the closet, opened it and swept all the shoes off the top shelf into the bag with one swoop of her hand.  She took two pair of her favorite running shoes from a lower shelf and threw them in as well. She was done. She had enough to get her through a week or two; she would buy whatever else she needed once she made it to her destination. She rolled the big suitcase into the foyer and dragged the shoe bag behind her to the front door.  She heard Ty's car pulling into the driveway; her heart almost stopped!

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Watching The Sky For Sunshine


ISBN: 978-1514880814 paperback also available in e-book

Tyrese Langston, Lanise Avery, and Ayoboni Balentine are

back by popular demand in this new sequel Watching the

Sky for Sunshine-Ty's Story by Patricia Balentine​.


Record Producer, Tyrese Langston, has been trying for two

and a half years to get over losing his ex-wife, Supermodel

and Grammy Award winning singer, Lanise Avery to

Fashion Designer, Ayoboni Balentine.


Ty has been living his life recklessly, drowning his sorrows

in hard liquor and self-pity trying to cope with his divorce

from Lanise. Ty doesn't know what's behind his feeling that

a storm is brewing, and he's right in the middle of it.


He'll soon find out when one night in a drunken stupor,

Ty's life will change forever! One fatal mistake threatens

to tear his whole world apart. He could lose EVERYTHING!

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One thing Passion knew for sure, Gavin’s decision to spend New Year’s Eve with the boys had nothing to do with the boys. This wasn’t the first time Gavin had derailed a perfectly good evening to enjoy himself elsewhere. However, for some reason on this chilly December evening, something had festered so deep within her soul that she could no longer stomach the sight of more tears,  slowly crawling down her cheek.


Enough is enough, Passion wasn’t a teacher, but Gavin was gonna learn today! He wasn’t about to ruin her New Year’s Eve with his hurtful antics, that she continued to endure after four years with Gavin. If he wanted to play it like that, so be it. Tonight was the night she decided to be a free agent...let the games begin!

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